43 Roman Road, London E2 0HU, England
Tel: 020 3417 4977
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What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Chinese medicine is a complete system of medicine with its own forms of diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and therapies. Chinese medicine views the body as an energetic system in dynamic balance. Qi, which can be translated as energy or life force, flows in a regular pattern through a system of channels — or meridians — to all parts of the body. When the flow of Qi is unimpeded there is harmony, balance, and good health. When there are Qiblockages, too much or too little qi, there is an imbalance which can lead to disharmony and disease.
Is Chinese Herbal Medicine an Effective Treatment?
Chinese medicine helps restore the body to balance and works on an energetic level to affect all aspects of a person: mind/body/spirit. The beauty of Chinese medicine is that it can be used to correct imbalances that have become illness and pain, or even correct imbalances prior to the appearance of symptoms, preventing disease.
Chinese medicine treatments address imbalances using food therapy/diet, acupuncture, herbal remedies, Chinese exercise, and meditation along with Western therapies. Chinese medicine is the longest existing continuous medical system practiced in the world, with over 3000 years of history.
What does Chinese Herbal Medicine Involve?
A consultation can last between 20 to 30 minutes . During this time the herbalist will discuss your illness or concern with you. They may ask for your medical history, any medication you are prescribed and any symptoms or worries you are experiencing.
As well as your health, they may ask for a physical examination. This may include:
taking your blood pressure
feeling your pulse
looking at your pupils
feeling your abdomen
looking at your tougue
The herbalist will consider all the health factors you have discussed and any concerns you have. The practitioner will be able to diagnose the cause of your concerns through observational signs and symptoms given by the body. Next, they will form a suitable treatment plan involving herbal remedies to stimulate the body’s energy flow and restore harmony. It is common to return to your herbalist one to two weeks later for a routine check up. We have both raw and power herbal medicine and herbal tablets are also available here.
Chinese herbal medicine and cancer
One of the most common CAM therapies used by people with cancer is herbal medicine. According to Cancer Research UK, some studies have shown that up to 60 per cent of people with cancer use herbal remedies alongside conventional treatments.
Cancer Research UK refers to one study that looks at the behaviour, beliefs, knowledge and needs of people in the UK who take herbal medicines. The study looked at all of the current research, devised a survey and then put it forward to patients. The results of the survey found that people with cancer had turned to herbal medicine in order to regain some control and responsibility for their body. The survey also found that herbal medicines were sometimes preferred due to the reduced risk of side effects.
Relieving cancer symptoms or treatment side effects
There is no substantial evidence that herbal medicine can cure or prevent cancer. But there has been evidence that some herbal remedies may help to relieve symptoms of cancer and help ease the side effects of treatment.
However, much of the evidence is of poor quality and many studies suggest more research is needed. For example, one study looked at Chinese herbal medicine prescribed to people with small cell lung cancer. Researchers found that taking herbal remedies alongside chemotherapy treatment may have the ability to improve quality of life, yet more research is required before making any claims.
Cancer Research UK states that more studies from large clinical trials are needed to discover which herbal medicines can help and are safe to use alongside conventional treatment. Researchers at the Cochrane Library are currently looking into herbal medicines. They will focus on the potential to treat symptoms of breast, lung, pancreatic and stomach cancer.
Are Chinese herbal medicines safe?
As with most medicines, Chinese herbs are safe to use when prescribed by a trained practitioner. Whilst the herbal remedies are natural, there is always a possibility of an allergic reaction if incorrectly prescribed. This risk highlights the importance of using a professionally qualified herbalist and discussing your medical history.
Traditional Chinese medicine has been practised for thousands of years. Throughout this time a vast range of information has been gathered on the various herbs, medicines and their properties.
2000 saw the Register of Chinese herbal medicine (the UK regulator of CHM) partner with Bristol Chinese herb Garden. They now regularly work with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew to continue growing their knowledge of herbal medicines and the potential health benefits they hold.
Please phone Acu & Herbs on 020 3417 4977 for further information and appointment at our Bethnal Green clinic.