43 Roman Road, London E2 0HU, England
Tel: 020 3417 4977
M: 0788 2815 997

What is Allergy test and why?
We can provide you with an individual test report that gives you a current picture of specific foods and other substances that can cause reactions. Often people refer to a food allergy when they mean food sensitivity. Severe food allergies are generally easier to determine through allergy testing or history of immune response. Food sensitivities can be more difficult to determine because reactions can be delayed (up to 2-3 days) or subtler. Also, it can be difficult to determine which food is actually causing symptoms, or if the symptoms are caused by food or another pathological condition. Food sensitivity symptoms are many and various.
The test we provide has been principally designed to assist people with delayed allergic reactions also called non-IgE mediated reactions, food sensitivity or intolerance who are suffering from symptoms such as: stomach bloating, IBS, Diarrhea, constipation, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, insomnia, migraines, unexplained muscle pain, fatigue, eczema, psoriasis, sinusitis, among many others.
What does Allergy Test Involve?
Our test is also simple to organise and simply involves a quick visit to our Bethnal Green clinic in East London. All we need is a few strands of hair which we will collect from you and send off for detailed analysis. And one week later an easy to follow colour coded report will be sent to you by email.
Please phone Acu & Herbs on 020 3417 4977 for further information and appointment at our Bethnal Green clinic.